If you receive an "internal exception" or "end of stream" error then there is a problem with your local computer or internet connection. Please try all of these things before emailing us to set up a support call.
1) Internet Speed - This error may mean that your internet connection speed is not fast enough or your wireless signal is cutting out. Try connecting to a hard-wired internet connection or moving to a location closer to your wireless router.
2) Computer Software - Make sure that you have the latest version of Java at Java.com. Also disable any internet monitoring software that may be preventing your connection such as NetNanny or WatchDog.
3) Computer Hardware - Make sure that your computer meets the minimum hardware requirements. View Hardware Requirements
4) Minecraft Settings - When you first launch the game click Edit Profile in the lower left. Make sure that your Use Version is set to Use Latest. Make sure that the only checkbox selected is the one that reads: Automatically ask Mojang for assistance with fixing crashes.
5) Video Settings - Within your Minecraft game, click Options and then Video Settings and reduce all of the settings to the lowest selection.
Server outdated - Usually this error will show up if you are trying to connect to our server right after a Minecraft version update. It takes time to update our server to the latest version, so you may receive this error if your game setting is on "Use latest version". Please look to the assignment portal for directions on which version to use. Generally it will be the previous version that was most recently available. Select "edit profile" to the left of your launcher > Version drop down > select proper version and save.
Internal Execption:java.lang. nullpointerexception - if you receive this error, please click this link and download an older Minecraft game launcher from the choices listed.